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“Between State and Democracy: The Historical Political Economy of State-Building”

Committee: Jason Wittneberg (Chair), Ruth Collier, Sean Gailmard, Victoria Frede

Table of Contents

  • Chapter 1: Introduction – State and Democracy

  • Chapter 2: A Theory of Local Democratization as State-Building

  • Chapter 3: The Causes and Consequences of the Zemstvo Assembly in the Russian Empire

  • Chapter 4: The Causes and Consequences of the Meclis Assembly in the Ottoman Empire

  • Chapter 5: The Great Divergence in Local Democratization and State-Building (Europe and Qing Dynasty)

  • Chapter 6: Conclusion – Local Democracy, Development, and Redistribution

Archival Data Collection

  • Governor’s Reports (Губернаторские отчеты) of the Russian Empire

  • Provincial Yearbooks (Памятные книжки) of the Russian Empire

  • Provincial Newspapers (Губернские ведомости) of the Russian Empire

  • Российский Государственный Исторический Архив (РГИА), Государственная Публичная Историческая Библиотека России (ГПИБ), Архив Министерство Финансов Российской Федерации (МинФин), Электронная Библиотека Научное Наследие России (ННР), Национальная Электронная Библиотека (НЕБ)

  • Provincial Yearbooks (Vilayeti salnamesi) of the Ottoman Empire (with Yusuf Magiya)

  • Provincial Reports (Zhengzhi guanbao) of the Qing Dynasty


Published Papers

Comparative Politics in Borderlands: Actors, Identities, and Strategies (with Robert Braun)

Annual Review of Political Science Vol. 25:303-321 (Volume publication date May 2022)

Working Papers

Capturing the State: Decentralization, Franchise Expansion, and Elite Representation in the Russian Empire (with Igor Kolesnikov)

State Capacity: A Modest Proposal (with Ruth Collier)

The State of the State in Historical Political Economy

A theoretically informed review of Boucoyannis (Kings as Judges, 2021), Mazzuca (Latecomer State Formation, 2021), Queralt (Pawned States, 2022), Stasavage (The Decline and Rise of Democracy, 2020), and Wang (The Rise and Fall of Imperial China, 2022).



Democratization out of State Capacity: Bureaucracy and Reform in the Russian Empire

MA Thesis (University of California, Berkeley)

  • Departmental Distinction

Engineering Russian Imperial Electoral Law: Inventing Minority Representation 1904–1906

MA Thesis (European University at St. Petersburg)

  • Research at the Российский Государственный Исторический Архив (St. Petersburg, Russia)

Sir Percy Loraine and Anglo-Turkish Rapprochement 1934-1939

BA Honors Thesis (University of Pennsylvania)

  • Chapter published in the Penn History Review, Volume 23, Issue 2, Fall 2016: pp. 87-114.
  • Winner of the Rose Undergraduate Research Award for the College of Arts and Sciences
  • Winner of the College Alumni Society Undergraduate Research Grant